On tombe parfois sur des petits bijoux pédagogiques. Rethinking Mathematics édité par Erci Gutstein et Bob Peterson est un de ceux-là.

C'est à la suite d'un commentaire laissé par Stéphanie sur mon billet Scolaire que je l'ai commandé chez Amazon. Moins de trente-six heures plus tard, il était dans ma boîte postale. Ma première heure de lecture m'a laissé coi. On y trouve une véritable mine de situations complexes d'apprentissage et d'évaluation qui touchent directement les élèves et qui lui montrent (enfin!) que les mathématiques servent tous les jours à prendre des décisions et lui permettent de poser une regard critique sur les choix sociaux des adultes. Quelques extraits de l'introduction et du premier chapitre :
A guiding principle behind much of this work is that teachers should view students' home cultures and languages as strengths upon which to build, rather than as deficits for which to compensate.
Engaging students in mathematics within social justice contexts increases students' interest in math and also helps them learn important mathematics. Once they are engaged in a project, like finding the concentration of liquor stores in their neighborhood and comparing it to the concentration of liquor stores in a different community, they recognize the necessity and value of understanding concepts of area, density, and ratio. These topics are often approached abstractly or, at best, in relation to trivial subjects. Social justice math inplicitly tells students: These skills help you understand your own lives - and the broader world - more clearly.
A social justice approach to math is the appropriate type of math for these unjust times. Other, traditional forms of math are often too abstract, promote student failure and self-doubt, and, frankly, are immoral in a world as unjust as ours. Traditionnal math is bad for students and bad for society.
We've also been influenced by educators such as the late Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, who argued against a "banking approach" to education in which "knowledge" is deposited into the heads of students and in favor of "problem-solving" approaches in which students and teachers together attempt to understand and eventually change their communities and the broader world.
No math teaching - no teaching of any kind, for that matter - is actually "neutral," although some teachers may be unaware of this. As historian Howard Zinn once wrote: "In a world where justice is maldistributed, there is no such thing as a neutral or representative recapitulation of the facts."
For example: Let's say two teachers use word problems [...]. The first teacher presents this one:
A group of youth aged 14, 15, and 16 go to the store. Candy bars are on sale for 0.43$ each. They buy a total of 12 candy bars. How much do they spend, not including tax?
The second teacher, meanwhile, offers a very different problem:
Factory workers aged 14, 15, and 16 in Honduras make McKids children's clothing for Wal-Mart. Each workers earns 0,43$ cents an hour and works 14-hour shift each day. How much does each worker make in one day, excluding any fees deducted by employers?
While both problems are valid examples of applying multi-digit multiplication, each has more to say as well. The first example has a subtext of consumerism an unhealthy eating habits; the second has an explicit text of global awareness and empathy. Both are political, in that each highlights important social relations. [Dans le Renouveau pédagogique, on retrouve ça dans les « domaines généraux de formation » que la plupart des enseignants plaquent, c'est-à-dire en s'en foutant carrément, à leurs situations. GGJ]
Why place math and science together and not math and social studies? What are the political and pedagogical assumptions behind such an approach? Why shoudn't reformers advocate math in all subjects area? Why not have "math across the curriculum," comparable to "writing across the curriculum"?
Thus students approach math in the abstract and never are encouraged to seriously consider the social and ethical consequences of how math is sometimes used in society.
Kids are inherently interested in what if "fair," and using math to explore what is and isn't fair is a great way to interest them in all types of math concepts, from computation to fractions, percentages, ratios, averages, and graphing. [Suit un exemple où l'enseignant amena les élèves à réfléchir, durant le mois d'octobre et des activités de l'UNICEF, sur la répartition des populations et des biens de consommation. Il suffit d'imaginer que les enfants de la classe représentent, toute proportion gardée, le monde. GGJ]
Kids need every tool they can get to make this world - their world -  a better place. Mathematics is one very important tool.
Je sens déjà que ce livre, qui mériterait une traduction ou une adaptation québécoise, modifiera ma vision de l'enseignement des mathématiques.

Liane : Site web dédié au livre.